UI / UX Case Study — Complaints Application for the City of Brebes
I wrote this article purely as exploratory research and I do it in my spare time or outside my working hours as a UI/UX designer freelancer. Actually there’s still a lot I can explore from this case study, but due to my busy schedule, I’m only going to make a few sections. Enjoy!
What is Wadul … ???
In Indonesian, the word wadul means to complain and wadul means to complain said Krama Ngoko. However, Wadul in this application stands for Reporting or Complaint Forum.
As the name implies, this application can be used by residents of the City of Brebes to provide reports or complaints from complaints, aspirations regarding the conditions of their area, and requests for information in the form of data or documents.
These complaints can be in the form of complaints about fallen trees, damaged roads, flooded areas, dead street lighting, aspirations for bridge construction, requests for information in the form of data on Covid-19 aid recipients, and so on.
This application is very simple in use, to convey public complaints is just a complaint accompanied by an attachment in the form of a photo or document.
Later this complaint will be forwarded to the relevant SKPD (Regional Work Units / Regional Work Units) to be followed up.
Formulation of the problem
Based on the background description of the problem above, the issues to be discussed are as follows:
- There is no digital aspiration facility and complaint service
- Do not understand how to file a complaint to the relevant agency.
- Don’t understand how to use the app.
From the above problems, an idea emerged, namely how to provide a mobile-based information system for public service aspirations and complaints.
1. Wasting time for those who live far from the city of Brebes as well as energy, and money.
Scope of the problem :
To avoid discussion beyond the problem, here are the limitations of the problem:
1. The system only handles and discusses information about public aspirations and complaints, especially through online channels (internet).
2. The system only looks for and discusses inputting reporting data, Government Work Units and Related Services, Aspiration data input, Complaints data input, and problem reporting to the government and commissions that have been provided in the complaint option. Log in to the Brebes community and input data and images into the community aspirations and complaints system in Brebes District.
3. The system provides information services about services and developments in the Brebes Regency work unit from complaints that have been followed up or that have not been followed up from the government as well as aspirations to the government that has been realized.
And requests for information in the form of documents will only be sent via email to the user concerned.
The series of activities has the following elements:
- Source or origin of the complaint.
Society, both individuals, and groups, grieves
Or the complaint originates. The award is given here that the number of complainants is not limited. Complaints are very likely to be a problem
Delivered by community leaders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
Local, press, or other community groups. - Fill in the complaint.
What is the problem that the reporter complained about. Complaints can involve various things, such as procedural errors, incorrect attitude of staff management, quality of service, and so on. - Complaint handling unit.
This is a unit provided by each institutional unit to manage and handle complaints originating from anywhere and through any channel. The results of the processing of this unit are complaints responses. - Complaint response.
This was the response of the complaint handling unit in each related agency regarding various types of complaints. This response is then conveyed to the reporter. - Feedback.
What is the reporter’s assessment of the responses or answers from each institution regarding the problems they raise. - Complaint handling report.
After the feedback of the options submitted for the complaint is received, the complaint handling unit is obliged to make a complaint report and the handling of the complaint, including the response from the parties that are the complaint.
We have a solution!
Providing a system that can be used by the Brebes community in delivering Minutes of Complaints, Aspirations, and Information by presenting the Application System: Wadul.
Use Case diagram adalah diagram yang digunakan untuk mengingatkan fungsi apa dan siapa yang berhak menggunakan dalam suatu sistem.
Activity Diagram serves to describe the workflow or system activity.
Flow Complaints
For the flow, it can be through various ways:
- Directly.
Deliver directly by coming to the office concerned. - Through the Media.
Via Social Media from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Email. - Through Third Parties.
What is meant here is individuals or institutions outside the community or customers who do not feel dissatisfied directly. The third channel has a very strong influence on the organization to which the complaint is intended, for example, a bus and food operator as well as other mayors and close to individual complainants. - Through the Wadul Application.
Which this application is made to help the community in providing inspiration and complaints to the Related Office easily and quickly and the public can easily get input from the results of government handling.
System Concept :
The following is the application system procedure:
1. Users who submit complaints, aspirations or requests for information must register first.
2. For filling in forms, photos of damage and location of damage can be attached using the GPS / Google Maps facility with an automatic system that can directly fill in forms, and also for supporting documents, data can be retrieved from the drive or documents from your cellphone folder.
3.Submit the form.
4. The user’s system will receive feedback on the homepage with a “form submitted successfully” notification.
Canvas Product Strategy
Product Strategy is a system of achievable goals and visions that work together to align the team with the desired outcome for both your business and customers.
User Persona
Here I describe the user persona of the application requirements
User Journey Map
User Flow
In this sitemap, I present a division with color and box groupings and each flow includes the main sub-main as an explanation of the main page.
• The main page will be the status of complaints from other users with the label success or in-process and also the status of the disposition label to the related unit.
• Each form will be disseminated to the relevant office.
• Search page.
• Registration as user monitoring.
Some Sketches
Logo Design Sketch
Here I am before designing a logo usually, make a logo sample and combine it with a few keywords from the logo, then that’s where I consider the function and amplifier of this brand, following the finished sketch and logo and the logo behind the color.
Materials Design
Here is the material design that I made:
Mood board
The following is the mood board I hold in my user interface design:
Mockup Design
The following is the flow of the complaint system from wadul:
Here’s the prototype link:
Usability testing
The purpose of usability testing is to ensure that the design meets the user’s needs and provides a great user experience. To achieve the goal, I ask the user to perform a specific task using a prototype.
- Enter the application
- Understanding the Application of its Functions and Uses
- Search and read reviews on Complaints, Aspirations and Requests for Information
- How to enter into the form
I am quite happy to get positive feedback from users because the app is easy to use.
“The design is attractive, clean, and the flow is easy to understand”
Users are quite happy with the main and supporting features in this application, important points are placed in a good place, the design is clean, and users can get some insight into the development of each region and city from seeing the complaints, aspirations conveyed by the community. with the feedback from related agencies.
Overall, I am quite impressed with what I have done to complete this final challenge. There are a few points I learned from this design process:
Research before design
“Beberapa orang berpikir desain berarti bagaimana tampilannya. Tapi tentu saja, jika Anda menggali lebih dalam, begitulah cara kerjanya. “ — Steve Jobs
Before starting the research process, I always thought that I knew what users needed in an application, but doing research and analyzing their answers reminded me that I am not my user.
You won’t know what the user’s problems and needs are if you design with your assumptions, always do your research before designing.
Create wireframes
Make sure to create wireframes before you start designing a hi-fi mockup. This will help guide you and save you the hassle of changing the design every now and then.
Thank you for taking your time to read this!
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